Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Work at the Visionary Art Gallery

I'm honored that my work has been accepted and featured on the Visionary Art Gallery website! I'm amazed to be included among these inspirational artists!

Find more photos like this on Visionary Art


Elena said...

Congratulations-beautiful work. Hope you don't mind my following your blog.

Alice McMahon said...

Hi Elena! Thanks so much,I'm thrilled you are following me! I'll gladly return the favor.

butterfly woman said...

Hi Alice,
Congrats! Do I need an invite to view your work at the Gallery? Empty blank screen where art would be.

Keep up the great work! Your art speaks to me.

Alice McMahon said...

Thanks "butterfly woman" I just tested it without logging in,and the art was there. Maybe your connection? Thanks so much for the compliment!

Gary Keimig said...

congratulations Alice and well deserved. Good luck with it.

Alice McMahon said...

Thanks so much Gary!